Hey Tman,
Congrats on the upcoming blessed event! Now, you're gonna want to know how to post pictures, for when the baby is born, so you can practice by posting pics of the Valiant!
I didn't know how either, until last Wednesday, when the fair and gracious Andi set me up with these easy, step-by-step instructions: (the words are all hers - I stole them directly from her PM to me)
I do have the advantage of having a 12-y.o. daughter with an already-set-up Flickr account, so that's one step you'll have to do on your own - sorry! Here are Andi's instructions:
1. Go to the flickr page for the image. Between the title and the picture you'll see some choices- click on "all sizes" - then you should see a choice of available sizes. Click the one you want (usually square, thumbnail, small, medium or original)
2. Beneath the photo you'll see a line that says "Grab the photo's URL". Right click and copy the line of code that appears in the box there.
3. Come over to the HDVDL - while you're writing your post here, above the text box you'll see an icon that looks like a photo (16th icon from the left, next to an icon that looks like a link of a chain). Click on that, then right click and paste the code you copied into the box that pops up. Click ok. This will insert the image at the end of whatever you've typed in the text box for your post!